Regulatory and Legal Support


Regulatory Agencies

We can provide support when interacting with regulatory agencies in most capacities, whether responding to an information request, reporting, or investigation. We can either work directly with the agency on your behalf as your compliance consultant or support your work with the agency and advise on best practices. We work regularly with the Consumer Product Safety Commission, CPSC, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NHTSA, Transport Canada and Health Canada.


Our president, Corey Campbell, is available as an expert witness related to litigation in cases related to children’s products and child restraints. With a long history of work within these industries, focused on safety and compliance, he is well suited to provide expert support on a variety of cases.

Intellectual Property

Corey also has a long history of work in the development of children’s products and child restraints, including development of intellectual property and available as an expert witness in support of intellectual property cases.


Our president, Corey Campbell, is available as an expert witness related to litigation in cases related to children’s products and child restraints. With a long history of work within these industries, focused on safety and compliance, he is well suited to provide expert support on a variety of cases.

Intellectual Property

Corey also has a long history of work in the development of children’s products and child restraints, including development of intellectual property and available as an expert witness in support of intellectual property cases.